Well I was actually 28 when I joined the book club but that’s neither here nor there, who is counting that I am almost 30? Who is keeping track of that? And when you hit 30 years of age as a woman, with no husband, baby or house, society casts you out, throws you away because you’re trash really. SO if that might be me at 30, less than a year away…I will still have our book club. I will still have the books.

Of course I am enjoying setting a goal of reading a book, I know several other women are reading, getting together, eating, boozing and laughing it up in celebration of finishing the book. Our first book, finished last month was Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty which was a great easy read made me laugh and I never wanted to stop turning the page. I unfortunately did stop turning the page at some point and did not finish this book BEFORE our meeting. My great friend, Lyle had to explain the end of the novel to me in detail as we drove over to meet the others. The ending of BLL is shocking to say the least so as I got out of the car for our book club I had that end of novel disbelief, mouth gaped open look, gasping as she broke the ending news to me. I walked into K’s house shocked but ready to discuss what everyone had read weeks or hours prior.

Our second book we selected for this month was The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah and Ooh my God, Kristin you’re a bitch! The Nightingale was so amazing it killed me. I decided to become a member of Audible considering all the books I will be getting into due to the club. So happy I decided to listen to this novel considering there was a ton of French lingo and content, shit I wouldn’t be able to pronounce without the help of the person reading the book to me. I listened to The Nightingale mostly on my way to and from work, traffic flew by as I listened. Some days of listening to the book were harder than others- some parts of the this story are terribly sad (most parts actually), so I would be sitting in traffic with other cars around me, violently bawling my eyes out. Maybe the cars around me thought I was breaking up with my boyfriend on HandsFree or complaining to my bestie about my bad day? Nope. Just completely, obsessively involved with my Holocaust book that Audible reads to me as I make my way across town. I would come home from work a lot of days, immediately giving my boyfriend updates about the characters in the book and crying to him about the sad parts…I’m pretty sure I heard him say “Ooh God” like he was rolling his eyes under his breath one time. But I couldn’t help it! #obsessed

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Need to buy a dress and shoes for a wedding, need to lose weight for said wedding, need to deliver coffee to my mother, need to do taxes, and get a pedi.

Sushi with the girls tonight after my haircut and pedis in honor of my last day of Staycay!